مهدی قانعی اردکان


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/11/03

مهدی قانعی اردکان

علوم انسانی و اجتماعی / علوم سیاسی

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. ""
    Iman Shaker Ardakani, Mahdi Ghanei
    ارزيابي وضعيت اشتغال زنان در بخش صنايع كارخانه اي, 2023
  2. "National conference on future studies in jurisprudence, law and political science"
    Mahdi Ghanei
    Family law from the perspective of Islam and civil law of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2023
  3. "National conference on future studies in jurisprudence, law and political science"
    Mahdi Ghanei
    The challenges facing the Islamic revolution from the point of view of the Supreme Leader, 2023
  4. "International Conference on the Dialogue of Religions and Religions"
    Mahdi Ghanei
    The role of ethics in the dialogue between religions and divine religions, 2023
  5. "The first national conference of sacrifice, resistance, jihad and martyrdom"
    Mahdi Ghanei
    جايگاه شهيد و شهادت در آموزه هاي اسلامي, 2022
  6. "The 5th National Conference on New Research in Education, Psychology and Counseling in Iran"
    Mahdi Ghanei
    Iranian and Islamic family criteria and the damage it faces, 2022
  7. "International congress of the "Second Phase of the Islamic revolution from the Perspective of the Holy Qur'an and Hadith""
    Mahdi Ghanei
    The position of Ashura movement in promoting the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom, 2022
  8. "International congress of the "Second Phase of the Islamic revolution from the Perspective of the Holy Qur'an and Hadith""
    Mahdi Ghanei
    جايگاه نهضت عاشورا در افزايش معنويت و ترويج فرهنگ ايثار و شهادت, 2022
  9. ""
    Mahdi Ghanei, Azra Mohammadpanah Ardakan, Hamidreza Aryanpour
    اخلاق حرفه اي از منظر آيات و روايات, 2018
  10. ""
    Mahdi Ghanei
    وظايف اخلاقي مربي و متربي از منظر آيات و روايات, 2018
  11. ""
    Hamidreza Aryanpour, Mahdi Ghanei
    اعتبار يابي پرسشنامه رضايتمندي دانشجويان, 2018
  12. ""
    Mahdi Ghanei
    وظايف اخلاقي مردم و حاكم اسلامي از منظر نهج البلاغه, 2017
  13. ""
    Mahdi Ghanei
    تهذيب نفس و خودسازي در اسلام, 2017
  14. ""
    Mahdi Ghanei
    رويت و عدم رويت خداوند در كتاب و سنت از ديدگاه اسلام, 2016
  15. "46th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference"
    Mohammadreza Faraji, Mahdi Ghanei
    Hegemon strategies in asymmetric wars, 2015