فاطمه بهجتی اردکانی


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/11/03

فاطمه بهجتی اردکانی

علوم انسانی و اجتماعی / مشاوره

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. ""
    , Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh
    Vol. 21, pp.95-113, 2024
  2. "The Effectiveness of Play, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Social Anxiety and Academic Self-Concept of Students with Stuttering"
    ezabadi zahra, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, elahe shirovi
    Vol. 14, pp.121-147, 2024
  3. "Effect of art therapy based on painting therapy in reducing symptoms of separation anxiety disorder (SAD), School refusal and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) Students girl first elementary course"
    Elham Mirzaee, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Shekoofeh Mottaghi, Sara Abbasi
    Vol. 24, pp.135-148, 2024
  4. "The Mediating Role of academic optimism in the Relationship between Mindfulness and resiliency and high school female students' academic performance"
    Fateme Bassak, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Azra Mohammadpanah Ardakan, Sara Abbasi
    Vol. 18, pp.115-131, 2024
  5. "The Effectiveness of Neurofeedback on the Behavioral Performance of Children With Social Anxiety Disorder: A Time-series Study"
    Jh Hj, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Faezeh Hatamian, MARYAM AKBARI
    Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology, Vol. 3, pp.253-262, 2024
  6. "Empowering Healthcare Workers: Insight from an Interpretive Structural Model for Educational Needs in Iran."
    s Mansoori, F. Mahdavi, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, F Bagheri, Niroumand Sarvandani
    Health Education and Health Promotion, Vol. 11, pp.469-579, 2023
  7. "The effectiveness of cognitive empowerment on verbal working memory and visual-spatial student with reading disorder second elementary course"
    Sara Abasi, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, siroos manssory
    Vol. 11, pp.30-46, 2023
  8. "effectiveness of group training of positive thinking skills on the stress, flexibility and mental strength of mothers with children with learning disorders"
    Mohammad Azami, Mohammad Hadi Safi, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    Vol. 3, pp.22-37, 2023
  9. "The Role of Self-Compassion and Perfectionism Strategies in Predicting Psychological Well-Being and Academic Burnout in Gifted Students"
    maryam vazitan, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Shekoofeh Mottaghi
    Vol. 12, 2023
  10. ""
    , Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Hajar Ebrahimi kiyasari, Mohammad Ebrahimi
    Vol. 1, pp.73-104, 2023
  11. "Mediating role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between work-family conflict and love schemes with attitudes toward infidelity in dual-career couples"
    Mohammadreza Mehdigholi, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Zahra Ahmadi ardakani
    Vol. 19, pp.461-481, 2023
  12. ""
    , Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Mehrnoosh Bagherian
    Vol. 3, pp.1-15, 2022
  13. ""
    Esmaelbeigi Monire, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Nagibi Seid Hamid, Nasrin Fatemi aghda
    Vol. 4, pp.81-96, 2022
  14. "A Mediating Role of Marital Intimacy in the Relationship between Self Differentiation and Attachment Styles with Sexual Satisfaction in the Female Nurses"
    , Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser
    Vol. 10, 2022
  15. ""
    , Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Narjes Ghasemi
    Vol. 9, pp.53-66, 2022
  16. ""
    , Shekoofeh Mottaghi, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, zobeyde dehghanmanshadi
    Vol. 16, pp.161-177, 2021
  17. ""
    Malihe Mosayebi Ardakani, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    Vol. 3, pp.65-79, 2021
  18. ""
    Jh Hj, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    Vol. 42, pp.1-16, 2021
  19. "Content analysis of elementary school social studies textbooks based on multicultural education components"
    sirus mansoori, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani,
    Vol. 9, pp.91-112, 2020
  20. ""
    Amir Hashmi, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    Vol. 10, pp.133-152, 2020
  21. ""
    Fahime Koohestani, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    Vol. 3, pp.89-112, 2020
  22. ""
    , Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh
    Vol. 13, pp.45-63, 2019
  23. ""
    -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh, Azra Mohammadpanah Ardakan, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Zahra Ahmadi ardakani
    Vol. 4, pp.68-79, 2018
  24. "A study of the impact of smartening schools on creativity and academic achievement among sixth grade students in Meybod in 1392-1393"
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Soheila Azizi, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser
    International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches, Vol. 4, pp.59-64, 2018
  25. ""
    , Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Shahriyar Niyazi
    Vol. 12, pp.7-22, 2018
  26. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Ali asghar zabihi, -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh
    Vol. 8, pp.1-12, 2018
  27. ""
    -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh, Azra Mohammadpanah Ardakan, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Zahra Ahmadi ardakani
    Vol. 4, pp.155-164, 2018
  28. ""
    , Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Shahriyar Niyazi
    Journal of Research on Religion & Health, Vol. 4, pp.70-82, 2018
  29. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, mohamadhosein yarmohamadian
    Vol. 9, pp.1-18, 2018
  30. "Evaluating the Educational Performance of Ardakan University Based on CIPP Model"
    Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, abolfazal atri, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    Vol. 9, pp.7-30, 2017
  31. ""
    Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, seyed abolfazl atri ardakani, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    Vol. 9, pp.7-30, 2017
  32. ""
    Khodabakhsh Ahmadi, Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    Vol. 8, pp.242-252, 2016
  33. "Comparative study approaches to higher education in graduate section in different countries"
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Mohannad H. Yarmohammadian, Ahmad Fatahi
    International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches, Vol. 2, pp.170-174, 2016
  34. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, mohmmad hossien yasr mohammadian, ahmad ali foroghi abari, koorosh fathi
    Vol. 9, pp.80-92, 2012

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. ""
    -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh, Mohammad reza Shahi, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    پيش بيني پيمان شكني زناشويي براساس تجربه ي كودك آزاري در زنان پيمان شكن و غيرپيمان شكن, 2023
  2. ""
    monire jorei, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, yaser rezapour mirsaleh, fatemeh eskandari
    Examining and analyzing the content of the experimental science book of the third grade of elementary school according to the Raygluth educational design model, 2022
  3. ""
    -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh, Azra Mohammadpanah Ardakan, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    بررسي اثربخشي آموزش مهارت هاي مثبت انديشي بر انسجام خانوادگي والدين كودكان مبتلا به اوتيسم, 2019
  4. ""
    Rezapour Mirsaleh Yasser, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    نقش تروماي دوران كوكي در گرايش به اعتياد, 2018
  5. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, tahsin naghshbandi, afsane Rajaee
    بررسي تاثير آموزش رفتار پيشگيرانه و تمرين در مقابله با قرار گرفتن بيش از حد در معرض آفتاب بر سطح دانش كودكان پيش دبستاني, 2018
  6. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    بررسي رابطه بين حمايت خانواده وسلامت روان دانش آموزان دختر دوره دوم متوسطه شهر يزد, 2018
  7. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, Shekoofeh Mottaghi
    اثربخشي واقعيت درماني گلاسر بر تحول هويت نوجوانان, 2018
  8. ""
    -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    بررسي رابطه خودمتمايزسازي با صميميت در روابط زناشويي زوجين, 2017
  9. ""
    -Azadeh -Choobforoushzadeh, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    بررسي رابطه حساسيت به طرد با خودمتمايزسازي در روابط زناشويي زوجين, 2017
  10. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani, tayebe yosofe
    رابطه بين هوش معنوي وسلامت عمومي با انگيزه پيشرفت در دانش آموزان دختر مقطع متوسطه شهرستان يزد, 2017
  11. ""
    Somayeh Motab, Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    تحليل محتواي كتاب علوم چهارم و پنجم, 2017
  12. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    بررسي ميزان تثيردرس تفكروپژوهش برخلاقيت دانش آموزان پايه ششم ابتدايي ازنظرآموزگاران وكارشناسان شهرستان اردكان, 2017
  13. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    بررسي تاثير هوشمند سازي مدارس بر خلاقيت و پيشرفت تحصيلي در دانش آموزان پسر پايه ششم ابتدايي شهرستان ميبد در سال تحصيلي 93-94, 2017
  14. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    بررسي اخلاق حرفه اي در تدريس ومحيط اموزشي, 2016
  15. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    آسيب شناسي عناصر برنامه درسي دوره هاي آموزش ضمن خدمت كاركنان شركت ايران خودروبراساس مدل اكر, 2016
  16. ""
    Fatemeh Behjati-Ardakani
    رابطه بين عزت نفس و محبوبيت اجتماعي دانشجويان دانشگاه پيام نور شهر همدان, 2016